
 Deterministic chaos has been making a large effect on both science and engineering. Meaning chaos in the unpredictable behavior exhibit. A deterministic model is a mathematical equation containing no element of chance. Chaos can only be a demonstration by a nonlinear system. A nonlinear system is called chaotic when it exhibits sensitive dependence on primary conditions and has an infinite number of several periodic responses. The simplest electronic chaotic circuit is Chua’s circuit.

Chua's chaos circuit. The component Nr is a nonlinear negative resistance called a Chua's diode. Usually, it is made of a circuit including an amplifier with positive feedback. negative resistance is a property of some electrical circuits and components in which a raise in voltage through the component's terminals results in a drop in electric current across it.

Applications of Chua's Circuit

Chua's circuit is a nonlinear simple circuit that displays complex dynamical and chaotic behavior. There are several applications to Chua’s circuit, one of the applications of Chua’s circuit is the cellular neural network (CNN), which is a high-speed parallel computing paradigm that interconnects nonlinear networks. In other words, The CNN is an n-dimensional array of mainly identical dynamical systems, called cells, which satisfies two properties:

  1. Most interactions are local within a finite radius.
  2. All state variables are continuous-valued signals. 

Typical applications of CNN

  1. Image processing
  2. Analyzing 3D surfaces
  3. Solving partial differential equations 
  4. Reducing non-visual problems to geometric 


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